Bright Little Things heeft de Frame Award 2024 gewonnen voor haar schakelmateriaal in de categorie product accessoire! Ontworpen vanuit een verfrissende nieuwe blik op schakelmateriaal. Bright Little Things, een nieuwe naam in de designwereld, heeft afgelopen september haar innovatieve productlijn geïntroduceerd, welke nu zijn gehonoreerd door een internationale jury.
Ye Zhang: 'I really love this playful design. There are so many options for outlets and switches. I would gladly have such products in my own life.'
Javier Jimenez Iniesta: 'Rigorous work, but also casual and friendly. I love the way colour and humor are incorporated into a sector that is often too uptight.'
Heather Dubbeldam: 'Flexible and attractive in terms of finishes and styles and the integration is functional. Their inconspicuous small size is at odds with the colorful design.'
Moein Jalali: 'Innovative & brilliant'
Jukka Halminen: 'This product offers a playful reinterpretation od a standard electrical case, functioning effectively while adding a touch of whimsy. The concept of incorporating a simple cross or a small knob is both fun and refreshing. Additionally, the ability to enhance projects with these components is a valuable feature. However, the candy-like colors may make some of the components a bit too enticing for small children.'
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Bright Little Things